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How to post a job offer on Linkedln?

Posting a job offer on Linkedln is a simple technique for finding and recruiting the best profiles. LinkedIn has almost a billion users on its platform: that’s as many potential profiles for you! But how to stand out? How to find profiles that match you? What budget should you plan? We explain everything in this […]

#OpenToWork badge on LinkedIn: how to set it up?

The #OpenToWork badge on LinkedIn is one of the features put in place to help recruiters and candidates meet each other. If you are looking for a job and want to know more about this feature, we explain everything in this article. What is the #OpenToWork feature on LinkedIn? LinkedIn’s #OpenToWork feature lets you let […]

LinkedIn green circle: what does active status mean?

The green circle on LinkedIn means that a person is online. 🟢 For the sake of practicality and efficiency, LinkedIn does not stop innovating and implementing new features. The active status (the green circle) is one of them. It is intended to facilitate communication between members. We explain everything in this article! What is the […]

Restricted LinkedIn account: how to unlock it?

In B2B prospecting , nothing is more disabling than having your LinkedIn account restricted or blocked . 🚫 You are wasting precious time in your prospecting strategies. But on top of that, you lose valuable access to the platform’s 810 million users. Here are our tips for avoiding these restrictions and for reactivating your closed […]

#Hiring LinkedIn: what is it and what is it for?

The hiring feature on LinkedIn allows recruiters to signal that they are looking for talent ! In this article, we explain everything about this feature . 🚀 What is Hiring on LinkedIn? At the end of October 2020, LinkedIn announced the launch of 2 new features . From now on, it became possible to indicate […]

LinkedIn Pulse: what is it and how to use it in 2022?

LinkedIn Pulse is a feature of LinkedIn that allows its users to post articles, much like on a blog. With its 810 million users, LinkedIn is the best B2B acquisition channel. Learn everything you need to know about LinkedIn Pulse and how to leverage it. LinkedIn Pulse: what is it? LinkedIn Pulse is LinkedIn’s platform […]

How to write the perfect recruitment post on LinkedIn?

Thanks to its 810 million users, LinkedIn has become the ideal place to recruit . For this, it is important to write good recruitment posts . We explain how to do it in this article. Why create a post to recruit on LinkedIn? More and more recruiters are turning to LinkedIn to source their ideal […]

The LinkedIn logo: free download, evolution and meaning

As with all major social networks, the LinkedIn logo is now entrenched in popular culture . It must be said that Microsoft’s social network now has just over 310 million monthly active users, which exposes the various elements of its graphic charter to an impressive audience. In this article, offers you to download the […]

How to recruit on LinkedIn? (7 tips and tricks)

Recruiting on LinkedIn is becoming more and more common for companies. Proof of its growing influence, the platform brings together 810 million users in 2022 . This makes it a real pool of potential candidates for any recruiter. If you want to use this network to recruit your future talents , we give you our […]

5 easy tips for sourcing candidates on LinkedIn

Sourcing candidates on LinkedIn has become a reflex for more and more employers. A favorite social network for professionals, LinkedIn has a CV library that can be consulted free of charge and at any time. According to figures from LinkedIn, 70% of users are passive candidates who remain open to new opportunities. This is why […]