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How to create the perfect LinkedIn banner in 6 steps?

Thanks to more than 23 million active users per month, LinkedIn is the 6th social network in France . With more than 840,000 registered companies, it is the ideal platform for B2B prospecting . It is still necessary to optimize your profile so that it can fully play its role of attracting prospects . This […]

5 Steps to a successful email campaign

With over 3.9 billion people using email daily, it’s a great channel for prospecting, communicating and building customer loyalty. In this article, we explain everything you need to know about emailing. What is emailing? Emailing includes all methods of communication between a company and customers or prospects by email. Why do emailing? Marketing technique widely […]

The Complete Guide to A/B Testing to Generate Leads on LinkedIn

How to Achieve the Best Performance with Lead Generation on LinkedIn: A / B Testing Overview of lead generation on LinkedIn It is increasingly difficult to generate leads on LinkedIn with “classic” prospecting tactics. How is it possible ? Well, people are suspicious of cold emails and outreach posts on LinkedIn. LinkedIn’s new limit prevents […]

Sales Navigator 2022 – Complete User Guide

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a platform that is part of LinkedIn’s paid offers. It is primarily aimed at salespeople and other sales professionals who want to leverage LinkedIn to boost their performance. This is probably the most formidable weapon for salespeople who do Social Selling, or those who want to get started in a context […]

How to network on LinkedIn to maximize your results?

LinkedIn is currently the largest and fastest growing professional network in the world. But, if you’re just starting out, networking on LinkedIn is unnatural and requires effort on your part . It only takes one misstep to lose a business of a lifetime or make a bad impression that could cost you money and your […]

Perfect Prospecting Campaign on LinkedIn 2022 (Guide)

All the Hacks you need to know to prepare a perfect prospecting campaign on LinkedIn in 2022! (Advanced strategies, lists of perfect prospects, laser targeting…) The latest change to the 2022 LinkedIn connection limit has structurally changed networking on the platform. With 100 connection requests per week (sending “classic” connection requests), many people find it […]

Generate leads via the LinkedIn news feed? (Growth hack)

Guide: The Best Way to Engage With LinkedIn News Feed Content to Generate Maximum Leads in 2022 Have you wondered what is the best way to find your target audience on LinkedIn, get quality leads, and achieve super high engagement rates? Then this article is for you. Today we will see together: How we target […]

Scrapping prospects via LinkedIn events (Growth hack)

LinkedIn Events: How to Capture, Target, and Engage Attendees to Generate Leads When it comes to lead generation, there’s no better way to get a high acceptance rate than to address your prospects with a very concrete and personalized. What if there was a great way to find your target audience on LinkedIn for prospecting […]