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Looking for the ideal tool to carry out your B2B prospecting, are you considering using Corporama? B2B database provider , it is a tool created in 2010 by Boris Gourmelen and Éric Barnet.

Zoom on its features, price, advantages and disadvantages.

Our opinion in summary on Corporama

Corporama is a meta database that offers very complete information and provides an overview of the market. To take advantage of this, however, it is necessary to use emailing software to exploit the data provided by Corporama.

What is Corporama?

avis Corporama

Corporama is a B2B database provider . It is a business intelligence service operating in SaaS mode.

Corporama is a web prospecting solution that allows you to prospect more effectively thanks to:

  • 11 million professional contacts made available

  • 60,000 business contact information sources

  • An overview of 9 million French companies

This meta database provides complete information on the market , customers and prospects. You can set different criteria to define your scope of prospecting

  • Geolocation

  • Nature of the market (B2B or B2C)

  • Companies that have recently raised funds

  • Companies that are recruiting

  • Financial risk based on a financial strength index

Given the criteria you have defined, the tool notifies you as soon as a company enters your prospecting perimeter.

Corporama’s database is very complete and provides access to an impressive list of information on your target companies: email addresses, telephone numbers, websites, postal addresses, legal and financial information, etc.

The tool obtains an average rating of 2.8/5 on Trustpilot , with 78%bad ” reviews (out of 9 reviews at the time of writing this article, yes, but still…)

avis vérifiés Trustpilot sur Corporama

Some comments are, to say the least, eloquent :

Corporama! What can I say, a nice software that sells mostly dreams! The telephone numbers are not up to date and that’s the basis, isn’t it? Oh yes, of course, they offer you to update them yourself and to give you credits to reslave .xls exports! Of course that’s why I pay a subscription! In short, that’s not the worst of it… After one year of subscription I decided to cancel my contract because I don’t use it anymore because my teams waste their time qualifying phone numbers and emails. CORPORAMA’s answer: Sorry, it’s too late! Happy New Year 2023 with Corporama! Bravo, that’s business! I’m not going to give up, I’ve just contacted my legal assistance and hired a lawyer! I will go on all the platforms with my employees to testify and avoid this mishap to others! A piece of advice: run away quickly and go see the competition!

Corporama features

Here are the main features of Corporama:

Email marketing

Corporama has an Email Strategy platform. It is a routing service that allows you to analyze the results of your emailing campaigns . In order to adjust your B2B prospecting strategy , you can access information on contacts who have opened your emails.

The tool also gives you access to all the performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns such as the opening rate, or the click rate. For optimal efficiency, Corporama can even help you improve your messages and integrate relevant features.

Purchase of client files

interface Corporama

Corporama is above all a database of prospects . It allows you to have access to a wide range of personal and qualified prospecting information that is updated regularly.

With this meta database, you save time for your salespeople by providing them with a vast database including all the information concerning the contact details of company managers, executives or different managers.

The tool also makes it possible to circumvent all the disadvantages of purchasing a database of prospects thanks to:

  • A regularly updated database with information verified and updated in real time. Anyway, that’s the theory. Several comments on Trustpilot claim the opposite, this is particularly the case of David:

avis David base de données pas à jour Corporama

This comment is also in french. In english, it says:

“Poor sales service.
Their database is not up to date and contains a large number of closed companies.
The annual subscription fee is very expensive.
And the cancellation procedure is very complicated and I’ve been getting screwed for 3 years where when I receive the 1020€ bill, it’s too late and I have to pay it. does the same thing and it’s free.”

At LeadIn , we believe that the basis of prospecting is having reliable data. This is why, for example, we have integrated an email checker into our tool .

Want to know more ? It’s this way.

  • A list of prospects selected according to criteria that you have predefined yourself. The targeting is then extremely fine here. This allows you to save time in qualifying your database and thus optimize the efficiency of your conversions.

In addition, Corporama automatically identifies companies already present on your prospect list and removes them in order to avoid duplicates .

Marketing watch

Corporama is also a real marketing intelligence tool. In particular, it detects weak signals by instantly alerting you to any changes in the market .

Corporama is a meta database of approximately 9 million companies . However, you can define your own criteria and segment this information so that you only retain information about companies that match your persona .

You will thus be able to follow the evolution of a very specific market and you will be notified of the slightest evolution. You will thus be alerted to the slightest fundraising, during a change of direction or during the implementation of a recruitment campaign (thanks in particular to partners such as Indeed and Option Carrière).

The work of your sales representatives will thus be more than facilitated because the marketing watch is done in a fully automated way.

Who is Corporama for?

Corporama is aimed at all types of companies , SMEs and multinationals. Its publishers have also provided a pricing system adapted to the size of each organization: individual licenses for small structures and packs for large companies.

Corporama’s prices

The prices for access to Corporama are not directly available on its site. To get them, you have to apply for them.

The criteria taken into account in fixing the price of the subscription are the number of accounts and contacts per month.

For a price ranging from 800 to 5,000 euros per year , the publishers of Corporama offer 4 price plans:

  • The Sales offer. These allow full access to all of the tool’s features.

  • Email offer. This price plan allows you to buy mail files and start emailing campaigns

  • The Data offer. This is the offer that allows you to update and enrich your customer files

  • The Smart Lead offer. This offer allows you to obtain a list of targeted prospects to contact according to your criteria and the business signals that you have previously defined.

Advantages and disadvantages of Corporama

The Corporama tool certainly offers many advantages for prospecting in B2B. However, there are still drawbacks.


  • Real support for getting started with the tool with tut videos (15 minutes) made available and a fairly extensive FAQ. Each user also benefits from a free online session if needed.

  • Advanced targeting and regular data updates.

  • A solution that can be used on a computer according to the SaaS model, integrated into your CRM or via a smartphone. The Corporama mobile application has optimized ergonomics and a reinforced geolocation system to manage your business serenely from your smartphone and from anywhere.

  • Customer service accessible by email, chat and telephone. However, some users complain about its lack of responsiveness.

  • A great possibility of integration with an API and about sixty possible software.


  • A rather expensive tool. The bill can go up to 5,000 euros in the year.

  • Lack of availability of customer service. Some users complain that it takes too long to get help from customer support. In addition, the support is considered insufficiently satisfactory.

LeadIn: the ideal alternative to Corporama

leadIn : corporama alternative

LeadIn and Corporama differ on the very nature of these two tools. Corporama is only a meta database (which is not even up to date according to user reviews…). LeadIn is a true all-in-one tool for multi- channel prospecting (on LinkedIn and on email).

Want to know more ? Click here to request a demo.

LeadIn makes it possible to:

Prospect on LinkedIn

LeadIn allows you to send inMails and automatic follow-up messages to your potential prospects in accordance with the targeting criteria that you will have previously defined yourself.

Send cold emailing campaigns

LeadIn has an Email Finder feature that automatically extracts the email addresses of prospects collected on LinkedIn in order to then send them emails. Like Corporama, which checks email addresses in your database, LeadIn does the same to limit bounce rates .

In addition, in order to facilitate the management of a multi-channel campaign, the tool is equipped with a centralized messaging system allowing access to the various messages on a single dashboard. It is therefore not necessary to go back and forth between your email and your LinkedIn account to check and respond to your messages.

Analyze the performance of your campaigns

tableau de bord LeadIn

Thanks to a simple and easy to interpret reporting with graphs and tables, you can also analyze KPIs such as the response rate, the click rate or the opening rate.

Also, LeadIn’s hyper-responsive and 7/7 customer support is one of its best assets.

It can thus be argued that LeadIn combines all the essential advantages of Corporama (campaign performance analysis, acquisition and enrichment of the prospect database) while offering more complete services and 5 times less expensive (€97 per month compared to several hundreds for Corporama).

Want to know more ? Click here to request a demo.

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