We make sure your e-mails are 100% valid and delivered
Find your prospects’ professional emails, with or without being connected to them on LinkedIn, and without the use of a third-party tool thanks to our real-time professional email discovery & verification feature.

+300 International partners !
Rated 4.8/5 - Average response time: 7 seconds.
Software customer service (500+ ratings)

Discover your prospects' professional emails
Don’t just rely on prospects’ public emails. Use our email discovery and verification feature to find their verified business emails, and validate them in real time.
No need for third-party tools
Thanks to our intuitive, step-by-step discovery/import process, you can instantly use the data collected to engage in dialogue with your prospects.
Combine Email Finder with multi-channel prospecting
Include email discovery and verification as a simple step in your sequence.
more than 5. 0. 0. partner companies

Joris I.
- Co-founder – Meltdown

Paul C.
- Head of Sales - Houzz

Joris I.
- Co-founder – Meltdown

Paul C.
- Head of Sales - Houzz

+300 International partners !
Rated 4.8/5 - Average response time: 7 seconds.
Software customer service (500+ ratings)